Objective The purpose of this websites is to inform and provide information for tolerance genes in plants. This website provides information about special genes within plants that help tolerate rough terrains. Furthermore, the content is briefly explained with each category of tolerance genes in plants. Background
How do plants survive in extreme temperatures? What allows plants in dry areas to survive? Why does half of a farmer's field rot while the other half does not? Answer: The plant has an abiotic stress gene. Abiotic stress genes, also known as Tolerance genes, give plants the ability to survive extreme temperatures. Statistics show that plants with tolerance genes have a higher rate of survival than plants without tolerance genes. Furthermore, plants with tolerance genes benefit the society more. With that in mind, tolerance genes can be considered as part of the plant natural defense system. Without this defense system, the plant would die early due to salinity, drought, etc.
For more information please visit: related links and references page. The following contents in "related links and references" are specifically cited. Visiters may refer to the related websites for further information. | ![]() The cotton field above shows poor root development in soil with low pH levels. ![]() The picture above shows a plant with and without an abiotic stress gene. |